Take Heart


Oh dear ones, I can’t believe the last time I wrote to you was during the Christmas season! Well, from one holiday to the next, here we are at Valentine’s Day (sigh, for some). I wanted to connect and let you know that even though my blogging has been sparse, my heart is still woven in with all of yours. I pray for all of you, I think of all of you, and I am here for all of you!

A few things I wanted to update you on ...

First and foremost, for those of you who’ve followed my story for awhile now, you knew that I had met an incredible man who I was starting my Life #2 with. Well, we got married two weeks back! Yay! There is SO. MUCH. HOPE. for life after betrayal and divorce. I will be writing a separate post on that, but had to give it a shout out!

Second, I am doing a Valentine’s book giveaway. Just like last time, first five to message me will get a free copy of my book in the mail as well as a valentine from me!

Lastly, if you’ve been dreadddddding this upcoming Hallmark holiday, head on over to the Valentine's Survival Guide I wrote last year about getting through the gushy love days. It will help you survive the 14th of this month. Whether your heart is waiting or broken, there is hope and joy to be found during this season. My prayer is that you find it real good.