This book baby of mine has been out in the world for THREE whole years. It’s a crazy thing on so many levels. I still find myself shocked by my own words when I tell people I wrote a book. I still can’t believe that I can reread the real life madness that happened to me and feel nothing. I still can’t believe that all those people who told me it’d get easier were so incredibly right. 

It’s an amazing feeling to be so far on the other side of something so horrible, yet having the story still be helping. And, that was the whole point of writing this down in the first place. Years and years will go by with my story still in print. Continually helping new women who are hurting. It was a hard pill to swallow that people will always be getting divorced, cheating will always be happening, we aren’t the first generation, and we sure as heck aren’t the last. 

Not to sound like a downer, but this motivated me to get the message of hope out there all the more. We all need each other’s stories to know we are not alone. I’ll always stand behind the why of what inspired me to put the worst season of my life to print. I’ll always stand behind that I wrote my story down to empower other women. To show the world how to overcome when they’ve been dealt a really hard hand. I wrote it down to prove that finding purpose in the pain is what it’s all about. And, three years later, I’m still in absolute awe at the insane beauty God can create from ashes.